Saturday 10 September 2016

Presidential Handover 2016

2nd July. Today I took over the mantle of President of the Rotary Club of Shepperton Aurora. After all the hard work involved in being a Rotarian for 17 years, I had been looking forward to my Presidential  year as a time to relax, and enjoy the trappings of High Office.  At last, I thought, the time had come for me to enjoy the limelight.  I could be the centre of attention whilst others did all the work.  At the very least I expected my breakfast to be brought to me on Wednesday mornings, and to receive invitations to prestigious events, with a driver to make sure I get to them on time. 

Outgoing president Karen Sutton (left) with new member Beverley Doyle

To be honest, things didn’t get off to a very good start.  A handover  tea had been organised at St Nicholas Church Hall for members and guests, I think about 30 were expected.  I planned to work the room, full of bonhomie and ensuring that everyone had a chance to speak to me.  I sensed things might not go quite to plan when I was told the day before by the PDG to bake a cake for the tea. ‘Why me’ I thought .’ We have some very adept cake makers in Rotary, why not ask them?’ . The problem was that  only I can make my legendary sugar-free pineapple cake, so I decided not to complain and got on with it instead.

My pineapple cake  (it tastes better than it looks)

I was somewhat less understanding when I was asked (told, actually) to get to the hall early and help set up!  I almost said to the PDG ‘Do you know who I am?’ but I expect she knew already.  After all I was the incoming Rotary president, and  instead of making a grand entrance once everybody was assembled, I was there an hour earlier, fetching tables and chairs from the store room and sorting out tablecloths, flower arrangements and sundry other duties. It can’t be right, can it?  I know that other Rotarians worked hard on the day, and many others baked cakes, but I was the new President – surely I should have been excused.

Superbly laid out tables

As everybody arrived and things settled down, I started enjoying the party. It was good to see Karen had managed to come so soon after her hip operation, although she was struggling on crutches.  We managed the actual handover quite quickly, and at last I found myself wearing the President’s chain of office. Obviously I took the opportunity of making a short speech, not very long, about  20 minutes at the most, about my plans to develop the role of President of Shepperton Aurora.  By coincidence, several people remembered urgent appointments elsewhere at this point, so  my audience dwindled somewhat by the time I finished speaking. I should have started earlier.

Mine at last! 

I begin a short speech

Rapt attention from the audience

Incidentally, the following day I was invited to the District Governor’s handover in Guildford. I made sure I didn’t arrive until I was sure everybody else would be there. I didn’t want a repeat of the day before.


  1. Congratulations on beating Trump & Clinton to 'A' Presidency.

  2. How true... Maybe I should paint the house white.
