Friday 4 November 2016

District Conference 2016 Eastbourne - Day 3 - Parade

We were up early today for another fine breakfast at the Cavendish. We also had to pack, as we needed to check out before heading off to the Conference Theatre for the final morning session of the Conference. Fortunately the Hotel allowed us to keep the car in their car park until lunch time. The car park at the Cavendish Hotel is quite unique. The Hotel is on the seafront, and is part of a  block of buildings, with mostly hotels on each side. In the centre of this block is a private car park owned exclusively by the Hotel. You have to access it from the rear of the Hotel and there are not very many spaces, but if you book early enough (as I did last Friday) your parking space is allocated to you for the duration of your stay by means of a traffic cone with your name on it. This is very useful given the difficulty in parking cars in Eastbourne generally.

Cavendish Hotel

We were joined this morning by Pauline, Doreen and Tony who had just come for the day. The session started with two terrific presentations. The first of these was Mike Goody. Whilst serving with the RAF in Afghanistan in 2008 he lost a leg when he stepped on a landmine. He also suffered brain trauma, and was wheelchair bound for 3 years. However, his determination and competitive spirit enabled him to overcome these terrible injuries.  He swam the Channel in 2009, and won 4 gold medals at the Invicta Games of 2014, a feat he repeated in 2016. He spends much of his time visiting schools promoting the value of swimming, not only  as a leisure activity but as a valuable life skill.

Mike Goody

He was followed by Patricia Parker, an extraordinary woman whose charity Kids for Kids provides goats to help families with milk and food in war-torn Sudan. The charity supports 78 villages in the province of Darfur. The UN reports that there are malnourished children in every village in Darfur, apart from these 78. The Charity plans to include more villages in coming months and years. It must take unbelievable courage to operate a charity in such highly dangerous conditions, but she has been doing this for many years and aims to continue doing so.

Patricia Parker

After a coffee break, it was time for my big moment, the Parade of the Presidents! The president of each club in the District is introduced on stage, and he or she then walks on to raucous applause from their club members. I had been looking forward to this for some time, and had been practising my triumphant wave as my adoring public cheered me to the rafters. I wasn’t sure if there would be time, but just in case, I had prepared a short 20 minute speech about my plans to develop the role of Rotary Club President, once the applause had died down.

I get a hurried shake of the DG's hand

Things  didn’t quite turn out that way. Having sacrificed my coffee to be corralled back-stage with all the other presidents, we were then called out six at a time to shake the DG’s hand. It was all over in a couple of minutes. At least we were called up in alphabetical order, so the three Spelthorne Presidents present, representing Shepperton Aurora, Shepperton & Sunbury and Staines all followed each other on to the stage (me first of course). I think I heard some noise from the audience, but it was all a bit low key compared to previous years.

Spelthorne Presidents. From left Kevin Bridge, Geoff Williams, me.

The keynote speaker for the morning was Nicholas Owen, former newsreader and Royal correspondent for ITV. He was very entertaining, giving lots of anecdotes about the different jobs he has done in his career, including times he met The Queen. He said he must be the first Republican ever to get a job as a Royal Correspondent, although he admitted that he has a lot of admiration for the Queen. Nicholas played a major role in reporting the death and funeral  of Princess Diana, and has written a book on her life. He also appeared on Strictly Come Dancing, a programme I have never watched, but said that he didn’t last long. He was speaking today on behalf of The Children’s Trust, the UK’s leading Charity for children with brain injury.

Aurora members in audience ; Brian, me, Tony, Pauline, Doreen and Lyn

After Nicholas Owen had finished, all that remained was for DG Frank West to bring proceedings to a close, and wish us all a safe journey home. Our group from Shepperton Aurora decided to stay in Eastbourne for lunch, and settled on fish & chips at Harry Ramsdens, which we had seen earlier near the pier. However, for some reason, as we passed one of the seafront hotels, The Cumberland,  we were irresistibly tempted by a carvery Sunday lunch, so in we went.  The PDG and I had to go on a circuitous route through non-public areas of the Hotel to avoid the staircase at the front, but arrived safely in the Restaurant.  We enjoyed an  excellent  lunch here, and were laughing rather a lot, to such an extent that the PDG went over to one of the other tables to apologise for the noise. ‘They’re Rotarians, you know,’ she said.

Cumberland Hotel - good carvery

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