Wednesday 17 June 2015

John Brewer PHF

Thursday 21st May. I make an official visit to Ewell Rotary Club, the purpose of which was a secret from most Ewell members. One of it’s  members, John Brewer, was to be presented with a coveted Paul Harris Award, the highest honour that a club Rotarian can aspire to. In order to ensure that the recipient doesn’t find out in advance, it is normal for as few people as possible to know about it.

                                                                     Paul Harris medal

After the debacle in Mere, when Nigel Wilson missed out on the honour of being presented with a Paul Harris Award by the Consort to the District Governor, due to our Club President taking it upon herself to present the award, I thought that at last I would have an opportunity of presenting a Paul Harris Award to someone.  John is a worthy recipient of this award for many reasons, not least of which has been his continuous involvement with the Rotary Youth Leaders Award, or RYLA. In a pithy speech (not too long, about half an hour), I planned to recognise all John’s hard work, after  detailing my plans for developing the role of Consort to the District Governor, something  which I felt the club would be interested to hear.

The Award to John Brewer was actually instigated by PDG Betty McLure, Chair of Youth Services in our District. Besides being well aware of John’s hard work with RYLA each year, Betty has been grateful for his invaluable support with the District Youth Speaks competition. It was Betty who suggested to the DG that the District awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship to John, a recommendation which was acted upon, and so here we were at Cuddington Golf Club, where Ewell club hold their weekly meetings.
                                                         Cuddington Golf Club

Tonight, coincidentally, was the night of Ewell’s Club Assembly, so I thought it would be interesting to listen to the club’s plans for the coming year. This year’s President, Mike Shone welcomed us as we arrived and no doubt a few members were wondering why they were being blessed with a second DG visit this year. Just to add to the intrigue, Betty and her husband Harry were already there when we arrived, and we all looked suitably surprised to see each other. I noticed that John Brewer’s wife Jackie was also present. Apparently she hardly ever comes to Rotary meetings, but she had been told what was happening beforehand, so she could make sure John actually turned up tonight. She decided the best way to ensure he came tonight was to say that she was going herself.

                                         The DG is briefed for Club Assembly

John clearly had his suspicions, as he came up to me at one point and asked why the DG and I were there tonight. I just responded breezily that the DG likes to re-visit clubs that she particularly enjoyed visiting earlier in the year, although I’m not sure he was convinced. I wouldn’t be surprised if he asked the same question  to Betty McLure.

                                                        Betty McLure with the DG and John Brewer

Throughout dinner, I was getting ready for my speech, during which I would make the presentation of the Paul Harris fellowship to John Brewer. All that I needed was the actual medal and certificate, which I expected the DG would hand to me at the appropriate time. Well that time came quite quickly, because immediately following dinner, Mike Shone announced that there was to be a special presentation this evening.

                                                          I have been usurped again

At last, I thought, my moment has arrived, and I started getting up to my feet. Imagine my surprise then, when I saw that the DG had already taken to the floor, with the medal and certificate firmly grasped in her hand. Clearly she had decided that if there were any presentations to be made tonight, she was going to be doing them. I wasn’t disappointed on my own account of course, but I was sorry that John, like Nigel a few weeks ago, had missed out on being presented with his award by the Consort to the District Governor, a moment I’m sure he would have cherished.

Proud John

Anyway, the presentation went well, and John did a good job of being surprised to receive it, although I suspect he had probably guessed what was about to happen.  The DG and Betty both expressed how well deserved the award was, and a delighted  John Brewer made a nice acceptance speech.
                                             It should have been me - the DG is flanked by Betty and John

The meeting then moved on to the Club assembly, which was led by President Elect Andrew Ford, who takes over on July 1st. Reports were heard from the various committee chairmen, and I was struck with the friendly and lively atmosphere throughout the meeting. I certainly approved of the comment by one chap, whose name I didn’t get, who said that he was introducing a new question to the 4-way test (essentially the Rotary Code of Conduct). From now on, he said, there will be a five-way test, encompassing the original 4 points, plus this one ‘Is it fun?’  Too right, I thought. We shouldn’t do anything if it isn’t fun.

                                            Andrew Ford (standing) leads the meeting

The meeting concluded with a Sergeant at Arms who fined members for various misdemeanours, real or imagined. People were fined for arriving late, for speaking too much, for poor dress sense, in fact whatever occurred to the Sergeant at Arms. The fines were only about 20p, but it created a lot of merriment. My own club used to have a Sergeant at Arms at the end of each meeting, but some members were uncomfortable with it so it was stopped. Perhaps I will bring it back when I’m President next year.

Powerful Team - Michael Shone, Andrew Ford, DG, ??

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