Friday 6 June 2014

Invitation to Florida Jan 2013

One of the main dates in the diary of all incoming DGs and Consorts is the visit to the International Assembly in San Diego in the second week of January, 6 months  before they take office.  In Vivian’s case that would be January 2014, and obviously we were rather looking forward to going to an exotic location in Southern California to rub shoulders with the great and good of Rotary. It would be the pinnacle of my career as Consort to date.

Just after Christmas 2012, we received an invitation by e-mail from District 6980 in Florida, inviting us both to a ‘Homestay program’ in their District, which covers the area around Orlando, during the first week in January 2014, i.e. the week immediately preceding the International Assembly in San Diego. Well, Florida is not somewhere we had ever been before, and to be honest, Orlando had never really interested us, as Disney World was not very high on our list of destinations to visit.

However, this was an opportunity to stay for a week with a Rotarian family in Florida, and we were only asked to contribute $105 each for our accommodation for a week. It really was an offer we did not feel we could refuse. We guessed that the same invitation had been sent to every other incoming DG in the world (over 500 of them) so not wishing to miss out, we immediately wrote back to book our place, pointing out our requirement for accessible accommodation. Our places were  confirmed by the US District in January 2013, so all that remained was to await contact from our hosts later in the year.

Apparently District 6980 invite 20 incoming DGs and their consorts each year, so we felt fortunate to have
been accepted. Later we discovered that another Florida District made a similar offer, and also one in New York state. As we are talking about mid-winter  here, the new York state destination did not appeal  as much as Florida, and the promise of winter sunshine.

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