Monday 9 June 2014

Scalford Hall May 2013

In May I made my second trip to Scalford Hall, to enable our group to continue with our training, discuss momentous issues affecting RIBI, and get to know each other better. While we were doing this, the DGNs also had some meetings.  One of the main talking points of the weekend was the International Assembly in San Diego, which by now was less than 7 months away.  We heard that there was to be an ‘International Evening’ where different countries put on a show on stage for the benefit of the others. A bit like the Eurovision Song Contest, without political correctness (and without Graham Norton). Also nobody judges your performance, thankfully. So all the DGNs and Consorts of Great Britain and Ireland had to put together a 5 minute show portraying our countries. This was not going to be easy.

I’ve always wanted to be a Morris Dancer, but my suggestion didn’t carry enough support in a democratic vote, as one vote was not enough. (Not even the DGN supported it). General agreement was reached that we need to come up with an idea which will include everyone.

A trio of Consorts, Keith Barnard Jones, myself  and Ron Marshall  enjoying a moment's relaxation in our hectic schedule

Fortunately, Lyn Marshall, one of our  DGN’s had some experience of showbiz, and she offered to put together a show for us to perform. Amongst much hilarity, we all sat around in the sunshine on Saturday afternoon, singing songs like Danny Boy, Bread of Heaven, Land of Hope and Glory etc. We wanted to include all of the home nations, so within our 5 minute slot, we had to sing 4 songs, and look interesting whilst doing so. Lyn came up with an idea of playing cards, where we all wore tabards depicting our home countries, arranged ourselves artistically on stage and sang our four songs, following which RIBI President and his wife  Peter and Di  King would skip on to the stage dressed as Jokers.  Nobody else, except me,  had come up with a coherent plan so we all decided to throw ourselves into this routine, assuring ourselves that it would be all right on the night.

                                  Most seem happy with the planned  International evening routine

Earlier that Saturday, myself and a few of my Consort friends, decided to embark on another tour of Melton Mowbray. Our driver was Dave (I’ve forgotten his second name), the same very obliging local Rotarian who drove us last time. We did mostly the same circuit as before, except that this time we visited an extremely old pub. We went to St Mary’s church again, which has a fascinating history, except there were no Christmas trees this time. We also visited (of course) the Dickinson and Morris pork pie shop.  However they did not have any of the mini pork pies that I wanted to take into work. Dave took us to a couple of other pork pie establishments in the town, but they didn’t have any either. Apparently Saturday afternoon is not a good time to look for mini pork pies.  We eventually found some in Morrisons Supermarket. Whilst they are still authentic Melton Mowbray pies, I could have picked them up in any supermarket in the country, probably.
By the end of the weekend, we were all getting to know each other and becoming more comfortable in each other’s company.  I also now have a collective name for a group of Consorts:  A Consortium!

Several of us would be meeting up again in Lisbon next month.

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