Wednesday 23 July 2014

Consort's Corner

A group of Shepperton Aurora Club members joined other volunteers on Sunday April 27th to assist in planting hundreds of plants and shrubs at Renfree corner alongside the Three Horseshoes pub, and also in a raised bed opposite Prezzos in the High Street. The club was represented by Sylvia & David Courtney, Gill Fawcett, Brian Holt, Janet Matthews and myself, along with  a dozen or so volunteers from other organisations such as Spelthorne Civic Pride, Spelthorne Natural HistorySociety and Spelthorne Tree Wardens.
                                                                                        The Three Horseshoes

Hundreds of shrubs in pots, which had been obtained from LongAcres Nursery  were kept overnight in the pub garden, and there was a short delay initially, whilst the keys to the garden gate were sought.  It wasn’t long, however, before the volunteers were hard at work transporting plants in wheelbarrows across the road to the raised bed, ready to commence planting.

It was surprisingly good fun, and we enjoyed getting our hands dirty in the cause of smartening up this small corner of Shepperton, and  getting to know our fellow gardeners whilst doing so.  We were following a very detailed planting plan which had been professionally drawn up.  It was clear that we did not all share the same level of horticultural expertise, as several of us struggled when asked to plant 3 Loniceras in this spot, or  5 Heucheras in that spot, but it looked pretty good when we were finished. Ongoing maintenance, I understand, will be mostly provided by  David Courtney on behalf of Shepperton Horticultural Society.

                                                          The Aurora team take a short break from the hard work

I did, however think that an opportunity was missed, given that the Consort to the DGE was present on the day. There could have been an official tree planting ceremony conducted by myself, a suitable plaque could have been erected, and the area could have been re-named. I think ‘Consort’s Corner’ is a very good name, and I shall let the organisers know they have my blessing to use it.

                                   Spelthorne Mayor Suzy Webb helps with planting at Renfree corner

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