Tuesday 29 July 2014

District Governor Handover 2014

So the time has finally arrived. Vivian has actually been District Governor for 6 days, but on the 1st Sunday in July came her formal inauguration. The day was particularly memorable as I was formally elevated to the role of Consort to the DG.  Halliford School generously allowed us to use their quadrangle for the handover, Rushmoor Rotary club organised one of their legendary barbecues, and Pauline Hedges kindly lent 6 gazebos to provide some shelter. Through contacts at the school, Vivian had arranged for a jazz duo to play for us during the festivities.

The new District Governor with Consort and Immediate past District Governor Ron Daniels

Over 70 people from all around the District attended, including 6 Past District Governors, and it was gratifying that there was a good turnout, not only from Shepperton Aurora, but from the other Spelthorne clubs.  Special thanks to Laurie and Pat Burrell, and also Sylvia and David Courtney, who gave us great support in setting up that morning. We did have a scare when we arrived at the school at 10.30 as agreed to begin unloading and setting up, only to find the gates locked and no sign of the caretaker. After much ringing of the bell, he appeared, looking a bit cross. He had been told that we would not be arriving until 12 noon, and consequently we had disrupted his breakfast. In fact we were lucky, as he was about to go shopping, and wouldn’t have returned until 12.
                                                                                 The barbecue is almost ready

That was the only hitch we came across, and after that everything went superbly well. Rain which had been forecast didn’t materialise, and it was a pleasantly warm afternoon. The Rushmoor boys produced possibly the best barbecue I have had. The Jazz duo were excellent, creating just the right ambience  for eating burgers and kebabs, in fact they got at least one additional booking from guests at the event.

                                                              Immediate Past Consort Helena Daniels with friend

We had an example of the new DG’s ability to be heard in a crowd when Kevin Mack said to me that the barbecue was now ready to be served. I wondered how I would get this message across to the crowded quadrangle before it all went cold, but I needn’t have worried. I just told Vivian and she made the announcement above the din of the assembled crowd, and everybody knew the food was now ready.

The DG with past District Governors Mike Thorn, Mukesh Malhotra, Peter Meldrum, Peter King (current RIBI President), John Dumbrell and Ron Daniels

                                          They take a selfie

The formal proceedings commenced with outgoing District Governor Ron Daniels delivering a speech at which he said how much he had enjoyed his year, and felt humbled by some of the youth activities he had witnessed, such as Youth Speaks and Young Musician. He then attached the chain of office to Vivian. Actually, whilst use I the expression ‘Chain of Office’ it is effectively a ribbon (a very worn one at that) on which are attached individual name badges of every District Governor the District has ever had. I learnt today that the correct title of this adornment is neither a ribbon, or a chain, but a ‘collar’. I don’t much care for that description, so I will continue with ‘chain of office’ which sounds more dignified.

                                               Ron Daniels presents the Governor's chain to Vivian

After Vivian's acceptance speech, in which she expressed how much she was looking forward to the year ahead and thanked everybody who had made the day a success,  the  crowd (and I) waited expectantly for the Consort handover ceremony. Well I waited, and waited. People started to leave, obviously they couldn’t wait for ever, and gazebos were dismantled. Unused drinks were packed into my car (by me), and rubbish collected. Eventually there was just me, Vivian and Ken Howe left, and I had to admit to myself that it wasn’t going to happen. Can you believe it, they’d forgotten! Of course I didn’t say anything, but obviously the District committee would be very embarrassed when they realised that arguably the most important part of the day had been overlooked.

                                                               Acceptance speech from the new District Governor

Despite that massive oversight, everyone I spoke to said that it was a lovely afternoon and how much they had enjoyed it. We will look back on the day as a resounding success.

                                         The new District Governor with members of Sheppertonn Aurora Rotary Club

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