Monday 21 July 2014

District 1140 Assembly April 2014

One of the most important days of the year for Vivian happened on 26th April, with the District Assembly, which is really her show, where she passes on messages from RI President Elect Gary Huang, RIBI President Elect Peter King, and of course from herself to club officers from around the District. Her District Team were called up one by one to the front and presented to the throng, and what a capable bunch they are, as evidenced by the warm applause they received.

                                                              Club Officers wait expectantly to hear from the DGE

The DGE did extremely well, looking calm and unflustered throughout the plenary session, but demonstrating great enthusiasm for her role which has been a feature of her DGE-ship.  Most would have fretted for days prior to the event, but she was serene and confident in her preparation beforehand.

                                           Health & Safety Advice from Peter Dancey. 'If there's a fire, follow me out'

My presence was more ceremonial, although I was expecting to be called up with the District team.  I sat poised, ready to leap to my feet when summoned, but to my surprise I wasn't mentioned. I thought this was a bit uncalled for  (like me, in fact).  Perhaps she was thinking that I would steal the limelight from her, but she didn’t need to worry.  I was only intending to say a few words when I got up to the stage, I would have been finished within 5 or 10 minutes, and then she could have got on with her precious assembly.

                                                                         The DGE in full flow at plenary session

I think others in the room were also shocked at my treatment, as I’m sure I heard someone say ‘What about the Consort?’  However I am prepared to concede that I may have misheard, as Sylvia and Gill, who were sitting next to me, had been concerned that their breakout session might be the ‘wrong sort’.

I graced the International breakout session, led by Jim Onions, and there was a lot of discussion about Sand Dams, the excellent project bringing water to Kenya, which the whole District is supporting. Jim kindly allowed me to speak for 5 minutes to those present about Mission forVision, the Shepperton-based charity for which I am trying to get support from other clubs and Districts.

The final plenary session included a promotion of this year’s District Conference at Bristol presented by Mike Thorn, who sounded rather unwell and ought to have been in bed. One of the highlights this year will be a talk by one of the original Dam Busters squadron.

Lunch followed for the DGE and Presidents Elect to which I wasn’t invited (Do you see a theme developing here?), so I dropped Sylvia and Gill back home and fetched Daisy, who had spent the morning with Linda and Charlie, and was consoled with a slice of Linda’s Simmel cake and a cup of tea.

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